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We are an Elder-led community of believers who have been transformed by God’s sovereign grace, and our desire is to see others transformed as well, in mind, body and soul. Because of Who God is and because of what He has done in us through Jesus, we believe that in all things He should receive as much glory, honor, and praise as possible.

We believe that salvation is accomplished by the sovereign work of God, and in this faith, we proclaim the Doctrines of Grace, which can be found on Our Beliefs page.

Grace Community Baptist Church was birthed by God in the hearts of several who felt the call of God to begin a new work in the Berkeley County area. Ever since we began to meet in July of 2004, it has been our desire to reach out to others with the message of God’s rescuing grace through trusting in Jesus Christ, resulting in forgiveness, and lives fruitful with praise and good works.

God desires that we should be a part of His kingdom work here in the Moncks Corner area and around the world. Towards that end, we partner ourselves with particular missionaries and ministries personally as well as cooperate with the Southern Baptist Convention. As a reformed Baptist church, we also endorse Founders Ministries, an association committed to biblical and historic Baptist principles.

At GCBC, we don’t concentrate on worship style, church trends, or dress expectations. What we do want to focus on is God and His inerrant, sufficient Word, the Bible. We worship in the singing of hymns, both new and old, and the reading of God’s word. Through expository preaching, we are built up in the faith and equipped for service.

We offer a warm invitation to you to be a part of God’s unfolding plan with us!

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Pastor Ken Hardin has been with us since the beginning of Grace Community Baptist Church in July, 2004.
Pastor Ken (or “PK”, as some affectionately call him), was brought to faith in Jesus Christ at the age of 12, and by the age of 13 believed God was calling Him into ministry. However, it was not until after serving three years in the Army and then beginning his college education at East Carolina University, that he began to follow after that calling in obedience. He received his seminary training at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary in Wake Forest, NC.

Pastor Ken and his wife, Naomi, both grew up in eastern North Carolina near Morehead City. They have been married since 1988 and have served churches in NC, WV, and SC.

Pastor Ken and Naomi have been blessed with a son, Joshua, and a daughter, Rebekah Grace. They love their home here in Moncks Corner and are looking forward to getting to know you in the near future!

PK enjoys doing just about everything, but especially reading, hunting, woodworking, writing, basketball (Go Tar Heels!), volleyball, kayaking and tennis.
If you like, you can check out some of Pastor Ken’s sermons by following the link at the top of the page.

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